Category Archives: Chickens

Up to date portraits

In no particular order as once again I am going to put them on in the order that I took them. Snow is so different from Snowflake before her. She is prettier, quieter and friendlier. She also lays tiny eggs … Continue reading

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Two broody girls

Just over a week ago I did a post about a five egg day. I said that we had six girls laying as Cloud had laid the day before. What I didn’t realise was that we had five girls laying … Continue reading

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Two days ago we lost our beautiful Dot. She was unique with her beautiful comb and her dark eyes and her lovely character. She came in as bottom girl but grew in confidence and worked her way up the pecking … Continue reading

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Dot’s gone

I am heart broken to have lost Dot today. She went very quickly. Yesterday Dot seemed absolutely fine. This morning when we went out to the girls we knew something was very wrong with Dot. She was sitting in front … Continue reading

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What does this remind you of!

We have had a fledgling blackbird in the garden for a while. It spends a lot of time around the strawberries and raspberries. It lets us get quite close to it and I have been dropping any squashed or damaged … Continue reading

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Our first, five egg day, this year

For the first time this year we have six out of nine girls laying and out of those six, five laid today giving us our first, five egg day, this year. Sugar came back into lay today after a two … Continue reading

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Updates and Portraits

The girls have been mixed together for nearly a week now. It has gone really well and they have settled together with no more spats. There is just the occasional bit of chasing but nothing aggressive. Unfortunately at bedtime Red … Continue reading

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The girls are now together

Yesterday I left the girls together all day and it seemed fairly calm. I decided it’s time to get them properly together. We have had the new girls seven weeks now so this has been a very slow integration. I … Continue reading

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Getting closer to integrating the girls

I have been giving the girls some time together each day. For a while it seemed to be going well with them all getting along. Dot and Autumn do some chasing but no fighting. Snow is more inclined to stand … Continue reading

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Snow lays her first egg and other news

Yesterday for the first time Snow went in and out of the nest box/little coup a few times throughout the day. She has gone from being totally quiet to making a twittering sound. I felt she was getting ready to … Continue reading

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