Amazing eggs

I know that I have done a few posts about eggs recently but I am still amazed by our eggs and couldn’t resist another one.

I am amazed that Ebony and Flame are still laying so late into October. Dandelion continues to lay her tiny eggs and Cinnamon has just laid again after a two and a half week break. I am amazed at the size of this egg. Cinnamon always lays quite big eggs for her tiny size but this one was bigger than usual, maybe because it’s the first, after a break.

The latest eggs

They were all laid on the same day so there was no doubt who the eggs were from. On the left is Flame’s white egg, next is Ebony’s egg, next is Cinnamon’s egg which isn’t that much smaller than Ebony’s egg and on the right is Dandelion’s little egg.

I am amazed at the difference in size of the little girls’ eggs especially as Cinnamon is smaller than Dandelion.

We are still getting a plentiful supply of eggs from these four girls and can eat as many egg based meals as we like without running short. I can only imagine how many eggs we will be getting next year when all twelve girls are laying. We will be able to give some to friends and family once more.

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8 Responses to Amazing eggs

  1. david says:

    They are doing brilliantly – only my two barred wyandottes still laying here, and they’ve got to stop soon. Young Ginger, now 5 and a half months, is reddening up nicely, so hopefully she’ll start before too long – although no doubt will go broody very quickly. Bonny looks months away from laying, so I think she’s not start till the spring.

    • Carol says:

      I don’t think the silky girls or the amigos will start until spring but that’s fine for me. The silky girls combs started to redden up a bit but then didn’t change any further but I know silkies are slower to mature so I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t start until the amigos did.

      The game girls laying as long as this is an unexpected bonus so I am happy with that.

  2. Sophie says:

    I’ve only had five eggs from my five seramas in the last week – I never have any idea who has laid what but I know Vi isn’t laying as she’s inside the house!

    Isn’t it interesting how Flame’s egg is white but Ebony’s egg is cream! xx

  3. Carol says:

    At the moment it is so easy to tell the eggs apart but of course that won’t be so with twelve laying. It is interesting that Flames eggs are white, as are Speckles when she is laying, but Ebony’s are cream/beige and usually Cinnamon’s and Dandelion’s are cream too but I think Cinnamon’s current egg is paler because it is bigger. My theory is that the unusual bigger eggs have less pigment to go round and therefore end up paler than usual. As you can see all four are quite different but as I say next spring could be a different matter.

  4. marion says:

    Lucky you, lovely fresh eggs.

  5. Jenny says:

    Lovely eggs ? I’ve had none since Margot my araucana bantam laid her last egg of the year on 5th October, until yesterday when Shirley my new Plymouth Rock bantam laid her first egg ?

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