Jasmine is broody

Yesterday Smoke came out of her broody spell after a week. For the past week I have lifted her from the nest box every time I have gone into the run and I have closed the nest boxes before bedtime.

Yesterday morning when I went out to the girls I was surprised to see Smoke out in the run. She stayed out all day and just like that she has come out of it.

It seems that each time one broody comes out of it another girl goes broody. Jasmine is now broody. She has been laying for two and a half months and has laid twenty one eggs. The day before yesterday Jasmine laid her egg in the late afternoon but remained sitting on it. She lays her eggs in the corner of the chicken shed next to the pop hole.

I lifted Jasmine and put her out in the run and removed her egg. Before bedtime I closed the nest boxes but because Jasmine likes the corner of the shed she was back in the corner at bedtime.

I lifted Jasmine and put her on her bedtime perch next to Sienna. She growled at me and tried to peck me.

Yesterday she was back in the corner of the shed. She was full of anger when I tried to lift her. She growled like a baby tiger and repeatedly tried to peck me. I couldn’t believe the usually docile and sweet Jasmine was so full of anger although I should know better by now.

Broody Jasmine

Jasmine is full of anger towards me

I think that I may have to just leave Jasmine to it. It is difficult to pick her up because she is facing me and is underneath the perches in the most awkward corner. She isn’t easy to get at and is constantly pecking at me.

I will lift her at bedtime, to perch her, when it is almost dark but other than that I think it’s going to be too difficult to keep moving her so I will lift her a couple of times a day. There is always something!

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4 Responses to Jasmine is broody

  1. marion says:

    21 eggs in 2 months is good, maybe one at a time going broody is easier than many of them going broody all at once.

  2. Carol says:

    You are right that it is easier having just one at a time going broody.

  3. david says:

    You’ve really captured her ‘amgry’ look; I don;t know why some peck furiously, whilst others are totally docile. She will come out of it.

  4. Carol says:

    They are all so different. As you say some are full of anger and some are totally docile. I must say I prefer to handle the docile ones.

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