Speckles, our oldest girl

Speckles is our oldest girl and we can tell that she is feeling her age. We have had her five years and she was at least two years old when we had her because she was moulting and had lost her tail. Chickens don’t moult completely in their first year but do from their second year on so she was at least two years old already.

Speckles when we first had her

This was a few months after we got her when her tail had grown back.


It’s a slightly unfair comparison because Speckles tail isn’t quite it’s complete length after her moult, the first photo was taken in September, but the way she stands is different. Her age shows in her eyes and she has more white feathers on her head. These days Speckles spends much more time sitting on the ground or perching.

Speckles and Cinnamon are inseparable. Cinnamon at nearly three years old is our oldest serama. Whenever Speckles is sitting or perching Cinnamon will keep her company.

These two are always together

They are never far apart

If Cinnamon isn’t sitting with Speckles she will  be pottering about around her.

Speckles spends a lot of time sitting or perching

Speckles age shows in her eyes

The other thing that has changed with Speckles ageing is that she is much more easily spooked these days. When we first had Speckles she was the most nervous chicken we had ever had. She moved up the ranks from bottom girl to top girl as other girls left the flock.

Recently Speckles often gives out the alarm call. The flock have always done this if there was a cat in the garden but Speckles has done this a lot this summer. When spending time with the girls I have come to realise that Speckles now shouts the alarm if a squirrel runs over the top of the run. They have never been bothered by squirrels before. She will also shout the alarm at a bird near by or at a bird call.

One day, recently, I was sweeping the patio with most of the flock milling around me. Speckles was out in the run, past the hatch, having a dust bath. Suddenly Speckles shrieked loudly and ran at speed from her dust bath to the patio area. She seems to suddenly get spooked and I could see no reason for this.

It seems that with age Speckles has reverted to being nervy like she was as a youngster. Toffee and Emerald lived to a good age and slowed down with age but didn’t get nervous like this. While talking to my mum recently she said that her most nervous dog as a puppy reverted to being nervous when she was old so I am now thinking that that is what is going on here.

Speckles seems well in her self though and there isn’t much I can do to make her less anxious. It is heartwarming to see the close bond between Speckles and Cinnamon especially as the rest of the flock don’t have close friendships like some of the past girls have had.

It is also a good feeling to get some of the girls to a good age. Sadly the little girls haven’t reached the sort of age that the bigger girls have but I hope that some of these little girls will get to a better age as it’s always heartbreaking to lose them too soon.  I also hope that we have Speckles for longer yet even if she does spook herself over nothing at all.

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8 Responses to Speckles, our oldest girl

  1. Jenn says:

    I remember we had an old girl named Martha. She didn’t have a “friend” the way you Speckles does, but she just carried on, slowing down over time. Right now, all our hens are within months of the same age. -Jenn

    • Carol says:

      I think if anything happens to either Speckles or Cinnamon the one left is really going to feel it. There is a bit of variety in ages in our flock but if we lose Speckles the age gap of the remaining flock will be closer.

  2. Sophie says:

    Aw, my two favourites!! xx

  3. marion says:

    It is good that Speckles have a close freind.

    • Carol says:

      It is lovely to see them so close together. In the evening Speckles often perches on the back, smaller width perch, next to Cinnamon. I move her to the wider perch because I feel it’s more comfortable for her feet but I make sure that they are still next to each other.

  4. david says:

    Really nice to see and she’s really the grande dame.

    • Carol says:

      She is. Something else that we have noticed is that she doesn’t bother with the corn or seeds anymore. She will make the mother hen clucking to call Cinnamon to them and Ebony has cottoned on to this and when she hears the cluck at any time she will be straight there just in case. Speckles picks up the corn and drops it in front of Cinnamon, who is more than capable of helping herself, but Speckles doesn’t bother herself.

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