Apple bobbing

Today was really hot again. I decided to try apples in the tray of cold water to give the girls variety. They didn’t like it as much as frozen peas but I think that’s because it takes more work to get the apple.

They all have a peck at the apples

They all have a peck at the apples

Amber soon works out that it's easier to take the apple out of the water

Amber soon works out that it’s easier to take the apple out of the water

When I went back a short while later, there were only a few bits of apple still in the water. I think I will stick to frozen peas and sweetcorn.

Yesterday afternoon when I went in to the girls, both little girls were in the nest box. They came out for some treats and I found Amber’s egg in the run and Honey’s egg in the nest box. This egg laying lark still catches them out.

After the treats Honey returned to the nest box. I really don’t think she knows when she has laid her egg. It was hot and I tried to move her out but she was determined to stay. She even let me stroke her whereas she is normally very skittish. A little later I checked again and she was out.

Ambers egg had cracked on the end where it hit the ground. Both little girls eggs had normal shells though. I will use the cracked egg for scrambled eggs for the girls and will continue with limestone flour for a few more days. Will the little girls ever get the hang of egg laying!

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2 Responses to Apple bobbing

  1. Jackie says:

    I am sure they all prefer the winter when they can fluff out their feathers like a duvet , instead of wearing a duvet in this weather .
    I have tried most things I can think of but I think that clover is struggling the most being the oldest .. The others seem to be fine .

    • Carol says:

      I agree. Pepper was panting today, I think because she is the most feathered. The dominiques have a layer of down for warmth, not good in this heat, but Dotty has the relief now, of having missing feathers where as Pepper has thick layers of feathers.

      I have wet the area by the bush for them and given them some cucumber.

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