A change of plan and a mystery solved

Okay, I admit it. I cracked first!

Last night the overnight temperature was forecast at just one degree. I decided it was time to start putting the girls in the coop at night. Topaz may stay broody for weeks yet and I have to think of the flock rather than just one of them.

I went out at half past nine when it was dark and lifted them down from the high perches one by one and popped them into the coop. It was quick and easy, no problem. I opened up the nest box and peeked in and they had settled evenly spaced out between the four perches and Emerald in the nest box.

It does mean Topaz probably goes straight to her favourite nest box in the morning instead of being out for half an hour but as the automatic door gradually opens later each morning that time span would get shorter anyway.

I turfed her out at seven o’clock when I went out but she was only out for a few minutes before she managed to sneak back in.

This afternoon Honey was being quite vocal as if she wanted to lay her egg. I then noticed she had disappeared and checked each nest box for her. To my surprise she was in with Topaz.

Topaz and Honey in the nest box together

Topaz and Honey in the nest box together


Honey has a good look at Topaz


Topaz doesn’t seem at all bothered by Honey

Maybe this is the explanation for Topaz sitting on Honey’s egg. Although she is angry when out of the nest box she doesn’t take any notice of the other girls joining her in the nest box.

On the “Down the Lane” forum recently there has been a thread about how we all notice that which ever nest box is the chosen favourite of the day, all the girls want that one and will shout and wait rather than go in another one. It has been thought that it may be because the hens would rather lay in the same nest box so that there is a clutch together ready to sit on. Some of us agreed this seemed a plausible explanation.

This may explain why Topaz is tolerant of another hen laying an egg next to her. So far Sparkle has done it once and Honey has done it twice. Maybe Topaz is thinking this is her chance to get that egg under her. I know they don’t think the way we do but they certainly do take any chance to ease any egg underneath themselves at any given opportunity while broody.

Topaz is very calm while Honey is in next to her whereas outside the nest box she chases off any girls that get anywhere near her. I am finding my first broody quite a learning process but the other advantage of picking the girls up and putting them to bed is that it gave me a chance to feel Topaz for weight and I was pleased to find that she actually feels the same.

I worry about her not eating enough but my husband pointed out that if she sitting most of the day she probably doesn’t need much. It was re-assuring to hold her and see that she felt the same as usual. So the new, or should I say old, bedtime routine is resumed.

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2 Responses to A change of plan and a mystery solved

  1. Jackie says:

    I agree with the theory about collecting a clutch of eggs . She is not laying her own so feels she needs the other girls eggs to sit on . It is also good now that she is with the other girls in the coup at night , less chance of being taken down a peg because of her being angry the rest of the time .
    Mine are all still laying the “dog kennel” not one has been laid in the proper nest boxes for over a week. I reckon that as soon as one decides to lay in the old place they will all follow .
    I often wonder how they think and it is all a matter of survival and keeping together as a flock.

    • Carol says:

      I feel happier now that they are all in the coop again. This morning I closed all the coops after I had got Topaz out and put down a huge bowl of mash. I left the coops closed while I did my morning chores and she ate some mash and had some water. I only needed one large dish as none of the other girls will get in her way. I let her back in once she had given up and was sitting on the patio outside her favourite nest box. At least I now feel satisfied she has had proper food and the rest of the girls can continue with the mash through out the day.

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