The chicks are growing

The chicks are visibly growing before our very eyes. They can jump up and down on the hamster cage platform with ease now. The two silkies are faster growing than the frizzle who is noticeably smaller than them at the moment. Lemon is the biggest of the three. They are always busy, chirping constantly and eating all day long.

The chicks are growing fast

Lemon, Jasmine and Blue

They like to stay close together

They are never far apart and do everything in unison. They are a very cute threesome.

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10 Responses to The chicks are growing

  1. marion.pharo says:

    They are so cute, my favourite is Blue. Quite different from the rest.

    • Carol says:

      My favourite is Blue too. As you say quite different. I would have liked the other two to be more different from each other but she had so few girls left that I had to take what she had. I love the blue/black feathering and the frizzle feathers too.

  2. David says:

    They do look really good.

  3. Rebecca says:

    They are looking really cute. I’ve never seen how a silkies feather come in. It looks like they got into a tussle with one of those soft feather boas.

    • Carol says:

      They seem to have a few gaps that gradually fill in. You see the pins first and then they fluff out. Blue has a bare bottom as her feathers are slower there. They are cute and will look better still as they get more feathers.

  4. Really looking forward to seeing how these guys grow up. 😀

    • Carol says:

      Me too. I think the markings on the silkies and the difference between them will show up more as they grow. I will also be happy to have them bigger so that they are more robust. I didn’t put them outside yesterday until midday as I was worried it might be too cold. I just love these little guys but I do worry more about them. They are very active though and voracious feeders which is all good.

  5. Sophie says:

    They are such little beauties Carol!! xx

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