We visit the farm to see how “our” girls are settling in

Today we went to the farm to collect some disposables, but mostly on my part, to visit the girls.

The farmer sent me a text message a couple of days ago to let me know that Honey and Topaz were enjoying the sun in the enclosed area outside the barn. It was very kind of her to let me know that they were okay.

Topaz and Honey were in the barn together

Topaz and Honey were in the barn together

I had taken along some sunflower hearts and used them to encourage them out of the barn.

Honey was first out

Honey was first out

Honey with the big girls

Honey with the big girls

Honey comes over to see me

Honey comes over to see me

Topaz and Honey mix with the big girls

Topaz and Honey mix with the big girls

Topaz and Honey stick together

Topaz and Honey stick together

They face this bantam pekin together

They face this bantam pekin together

The big girls didn’t seem to bother my two it was the other bantams that chased them round a bit.

I then went over to the orchard and found Dotty. She has a lovely red comb and wattles and her neck is fully feathered. She looked really great and seemed so big.

Dotty with a freind

Dotty with a friend

Dotty is looking great

Dotty is looking great

I called in to see the farmer. She said the plan was to keep all the hens and the cockerel in the enclosed part next to barn until my girls were settled but she said my old girls (Dotty and Pepper) had managed to get out each day with a few friends. I said that I hadn’t seen Pepper and she said that she is around somewhere. They like to get up in to the tree and under the bushes.

She said my two little girls were doing fine and Honey was first out of the barn in the morning. She said any time I needed to re home any girls she would always be happy to have them. Hopefully I won’t need to do this again but it so good to know that I have someone who can help me like this.

I was most worried about Honey but it turns out that she is having an easier time of it. I think Topaz probably tried to be bossy and got taken down a peg or two whereas Honey would just get out of the way.

I feel so happy now that I have seen them settling in.

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6 Responses to We visit the farm to see how “our” girls are settling in

  1. Jackie says:

    They look great .. It was lovely to see a picture of Dotty.

  2. Jackie says:

    Plus look at all their space .

  3. David says:

    Brilliant – and in such a short space of time.

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