Another slow worm

A few days ago we saw a slow worm on the path in the back garden. Yesterday we saw another one on the path in the front garden. We are feeling really pleased that they are living in our garden.

Another slow worm

Another slow worm

Slow worm on our front path

Slow worm on our front path

And it's off

And it’s off

In the second photo that’s my husbands knee next to the slow worm as he was taking a closer look at it. It eventually disappeared into the greenery. We feel privileged to have seen it.

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6 Responses to Another slow worm

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    They are huge!!! Do the hens eat them if they catch them?

    • They are very secretive and it is rare to see them. They mostly stay in the undergrowth and only come out to the path to get some sun. I can’t imagine that they would ever stray into the chicken run. I have no idea what the chickens would make of them but despite being called slow worms they are actually very very speedy.

      I don’t think the chickens would catch them. They are also known as “legless lizard” and are related to the lizard family not the snake family. They are completely harmless. They eat worms. They look bigger in the photo but they are smaller than snakes. They are beautiful.

  2. marion.pharo says:

    How nice to be able to get close and take photos, We have had them here a couple of times, each time in the compost, but not recently. But we have a toad, we see from time to time, over the years,one thing we have not seen since we have been here is a hedgehog, in our garden. We get lots of frogs, even though we havent had a pound for quite a few years.

    • We have seen a toad and a frog every year, a couple of times a year, but haven’t seen them this year yet. Our garden is so dense that we have to be out after it’s been raining to see them. We haven’t seen a hedgehog here for years now.

      Last year we saw some tiny, baby, slow worms so they seem to be breeding in our garden. Again we may only see them a couple of times a year because the garden is so dense but it’s nice to know they are there.

  3. Jackie says:


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