The new regime and updates

We have to give Pebbles her antibiotic twice a day. Rather than stress her by trying to put it into her beak we decided to put it on some sunflower seeds in a little dish. It is sticky so will stick to the seeds.

I decided to put Pebbles in the cat box in the morning and evening with her own dish of seeds laced with her medicine at the same time as the other girls have their seeds/corn.

The vet called this afternoon to let me know what the specialist thought after seeing the video and hearing the recording of Pebbles. Her opinion is that it is probably viral and she thinks it’s a form of bronchitis. She suggested we carry on with the antibiotic but that I call her straight away if Pebbles worsens.

My greatest fear is the other girls catching it but she thinks that as it’s been several weeks since Pebbles first started to wheeze it seems they may not catch it. She said the youngest two are most at risk as the older birds will have built up some immunity but that there is no point in separating Pebbles as the other girls have already been in contact with her. If any other girl shows any symptoms I am to call her straight away.

The vet said if Pebbles doesn’t respond to the antibiotic after a few weeks we could try a different one and she could also take a swab from inside her beak to check for anything bacterial. She also suggested that I worm the three little girls as I had just done the bigger girls before I got them. I had intended worming them next time round which will be March but the vet said it would be best to do it now as any worms could make them more vulnerable to virus and any virus could make them more susceptible to worms.

Tomorrow lunch time I will add some flubenvet to chopped grapes and give it to the three little girls on top of the little coop while guarding them against the other girls.

While we were talking I said that Pebbles eye seemed fine today so it may just have been coincidence and perhaps she had rubbed or scratched it. Other than the wheezing she seems fine and is eating well and drinking and pooping.

I am so glad that I have found such a good vet and I am really impressed with her.

Toffee is not her usual self either but I think this is just down to old age. She is spending periods of time in the chicken shed especially in the afternoons. She also has a slightly mucky bottom and is producing very wet poops (which is why the mucky bottom). She is eating and she came out for a mixture of corn and seeds this evening. She looks fine and still complained, which she always does, when the treats ran out which is a good sign. She also had a peck at some pear that was on the patio.

I think that as long as she doesn’t appear to be suffering in any way and is still eating, I will just leave her be and keep a close eye on her.

In other news, Pebbles has got the hang of going to bed without help ever since we added the extra perch so at least that is one problem solved.

I felt this post was a bit dull without any photos so this one was a few days ago when I gave the girls a dish of mash. The little girls wait until the bigger girls have had their fill and then they have the mash to themselves.

Three little girls have the dish of mash to themselves

Three little girls have the dish of mash to themselves

The little girls love me to hand feed them spinach but they all move so fast that most of the photos came out blurred. I did just get one close up of Rusty.

Hand feeding Rusty some spinach

Hand feeding Rusty some spinach

I will continue with the new regime, keep updating and keep everything crossed.

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4 Responses to The new regime and updates

  1. marion.pharo says:

    Go0d to hear her eye seems to be better, lets hope she responds to the antibiotics
    also hope Toffee will be ok.

    • I think perhaps her eye was a false alarm but we have both become a bit paranoid after Caramel. I really hope the antibiotics kick in soon. I really worry about the other two little girls. I couldn’t bare to lose more.

      At least Toffee is old. I would hate to lose her, she has such a lovely nature. We are not used to dealing with an older girl because sadly we have either lost or had to re home girls and she is our first elderly girl. It’s horrible having both ends of the scale at the same time but I suppose that is just how it is.

      I am keeping everything crossed for a good outcome. I will keep posting.

  2. David Anderson says:

    I do hope that Pebbles is okay – you are doing all you can and, as you say, it is so fortunate that you have found a really good vet. Several of my older hens had gone to bed by 2 o’clock this afternoon, despite it’s being a decent day weather-wise – it seems to be what they do. Toffee sounds to be okay; hopefully, her pooping will return to normal soon. Our girls can sometimes put us on an emotional rollercoaster!

    • I think that I am doing all that I can so I just have to be satisfied with that but I do worry about any of the others going down with it. Having a good vet for the first time since I started keeping chickens is really good though.

      Toffee has been doing the same, going in at about 2 o’clock, so that’s reassuring to know that she isn’t alone in that. As you say they do really put us on that emotional roller coaster.

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