The shelter

Lately Peaches and Barley have commandeered the shelter. They seem to like to perch in there just before bedtime. Yesterday it rained heavily all day, non stop and most of the perches were wet.

Peaches, Barley and Speckles were spending quite a bit of time perched in the shelter. Every time I tried to get a photo they came running to me but before bedtime while I was sweeping their patio area Peaches and Barley settled in there again.

Peaches and Barley in the shelter just before bedtime

Peaches and Barley in the shelter just before bedtime

Peaches and Barley

Peaches and Barley

The idea of the shelter was to give the little girls somewhere to go in bad weather but the novelty seems to have worn off for the little girls and for now Peaches and Barley have taken it over.

Oh well, you can never tell these girls what they should be doing, I guess they will just do what they want to do!

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6 Responses to The shelter

  1. Marion Pharo says:

    Still, it was a very good idea.

  2. David says:

    And the girls’ plumage looks wonderful. Always nice to see new feathers.

  3. Bev and Butch says:

    Carol, My husband and I have had chickens since Oct. 4 2013. He had a shed and switched it over to a pen for them, by putting chicken wire and a door in middle to divide it. He put a nesting box 2 feet above floor, and chickens lay their eggs in there. He opens it from outside to get eggs out. We had white leghorns but gave them to amish woman on Sept. 22 2016. They laid extra large eggs, but did not all lay. We feed them organic pellets. There are no chemicals and no antibiotics. We bought 5 red chickens from her, and they lay almost every day. They are broody, and crouch down when my husband goes out to feed them, the frosty christmas fern. He strips off the leaves, and they gobble them up. I saw the fern growing outside the wire on your photo, and it is the same fern I believe. When the chickens c rouch down, my husband puts his hand over their back and neck and shakes his hand and when he lifts his hand, they shake their body all over. If he has his hand on the back of one chicken, and is shaking it, another chicken will pluck on his sleeve, like it is saying “come on, shake me now.” I told him he is their rooster! Ha Ha

    • Carol says:

      I have been keeping chickens since 2012 so just a year longer than you. My flock are all bantams but Peaches and Barley are brown leghorns so will look similar to the white leghorns you had (apart from the colour of course).

      I read that ferns were poisonous to chickens, maybe it depends what type though. I keep the ferns to the outside of the run.

      I give my girls spinach each day so that they have some daily greens and I have a dandelion patch for them.

      Usually they squat like you describe when they come into lay. As you say they do this for a rooster but also for their person to show you that you are in charge.

      None of mine are laying yet but I hope for some eggs soon. It is nice to hear about your girls.

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