I’m about to rock their world

I have wanted to add new girls since losing Pebbles but have had to wait and be patient.  Firstly I needed to let six weeks pass to make sure the flock was in good health. It then wouldn’t have been fair to add more seramas during the dreadful frosty weather that we have had recently.

The weather improved but we had a busy social weekend so I put it off for another week. Finally the time seems right and I called Dave the serama breeder. I was really nervous because I have waited so long for this and he was talking of the possibility of giving up breeding, due to lack of time, when we last saw him.

I took the plunge and called him yesterday and he said that he had downsized but still had plenty of hens for sale. He said that they are aged from six months upwards. This is really good for me because now that I have a few girls laying it would mean that I could integrate them as quickly as possible. They could all have layers pellets whereas younger chicks would need growers pellets and have to stay separated until old enough to move on to layers.

Dave works shifts and is not available during this week so the earliest we can go to him is Saturday morning. We have arranged to get to him at eleven o’clock on Saturday. I am so excited.

Girls, I am about to rock your world again. I think it will be really good for the little girls to belong to a bigger group but of course they may not see it like that at first. I think the bigger girls will take the newcomers in their stride but it will interesting to see what the little girls make of new girls.

At the moment the bedtime routine is super smooth. The little girls, as good as gold, go to to their own little perch with Rusty always next to the door and the bigger girls go to their higher perch. The order is always the same with top girl Emerald going in first in her favourite position next to the wall and Peaches and Barley together followed by Speckles, sometimes next to them, sometimes at the other end of the perch. Tonight is a typical evening line up.

Bedtime positions

Bedtime positions

There are no longer the aggravations that there used to be. It runs like clockwork with all the girls used to going to their own spot. How will that work with new girls? I am sure it is going to shake up the routine.

I can’t wait to have new girls and I think the flock will be richer and better balanced with more little girls but these two little girls have been used to no competition. I wonder how easily they will take to newcomers. Only time will tell!

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15 Responses to I’m about to rock their world

  1. sophie says:

    How exciting!!!!!!!!!! x

  2. Amy Sanchez says:

    Oooo, how very exciting. Can’t wait to see photos of new additions.

  3. Marion Pharo says:

    I am looking forward to seeing the new girls, and how it all pans out.
    How many are you going to get?

    • I would say two but I am open minded to three. Dave sells them at £20 each or three for £50. It’s not all about money though, last time I didn’t feel I had room for three but this time I have. I want them all to be different so it will depend what variety he has. I can’t wait, but of course I can, because I have too!

  4. Lucy says:

    Oh this is exciting and fun! Thanks for sharing!

  5. David Anderson says:

    Exciting times. Good luck and I suspect that, once you see them, you’ll know exactly which ones you want – and how many. 🙂

    • I think I will. Last time I picked Rusty straight away and David said he was surprised how quickly I chose because some people take ages. Yet Rusty was so much the right choice because she is the most adorable chook I have ever come across. I chose Freckles for variety and that didn’t take much longer.

  6. sophie says:

    I think another three is a good number! 😉

  7. Jenny says:

    Oooh lucky you ? Can’t wait to see photos. I have the chance to get a beautiful gold Campine and a tiny Belgian bantam, but not sure I have room for another 2 which would take me to 8 in my 3x2m plus 2x1m run

    • I just looked up golden campine because I haven’t heard of them before. They are beautiful and I can see how tempting that is. My run is 12 metres long and 4 metres wide across the narrowest part, double that at the widest and that’s not counting the shed which is 4 by 4 metres so I have loads of space for 8 to 10 bantams. I am lucky to have so much space. The run is double the size I first started with. It is good to have lots of space.

      • Oops, the shed size should have been feet not metres! I have just measured it to be more accurate and is 4 feet by 5 feet. The other thing to bear in mind is that my girls don’t free range so a large run is much more important.

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