After the storm

We had a huge storm last night. Thunder and lightening and torrential rain. I tried to take some photos but they didn’t come out. We lost all signal on the television. It raged on into the night keeping us awake.

On the positive side the garden has had a good watering. Some of the plants have taken a battering though.

The hibiscus, by the chicken run, is one the few plants that was already here when we moved in eleven years ago. It has probably doubled in size since then. We had intended to let it flower, then prune it back.

We knew the impending storm would drag it down so my husband wedged a broom between the plant and the top of the chicken run, as a temporary measure to hold it back, so that I wouldn’t have to crawl under it in the morning.

Hibiscus flower close up

 Hibiscus beside the chicken run

It’s held back with a broom

It’s almost down to the ground

It’s a shame as it is just reaching it’s peak. We will manage with it for a few days before pruning it, perhaps a bit now and a harder prune later. The flowers are quite beautiful.

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4 Responses to After the storm

  1. marion.pharo says:

    My Hollyhocks took a right bashing, had to cut some right down,
    But spent hours with Sam , he was so scared
    Took him in the front room and played music, trying to drown out the thunder,
    But we must not complain when we see what they went through in Cornwall.

    • I too felt lucky to get off so lightly compared to Cornwall. I hadn’t heard about Cornwall when I put out my post. We are so lucky only to have battered plants. I can imagine how scared Sam would have been.

  2. Flock Mistress says:

    I wish we’d get a summer rain like that. Wash the dust and dirt off everything and give the plants a drink. And your Hibiscus is AMAZING!

    • We have had an unusually dry summer for us but it rained heavily for about four hours during the storm. Cornwall had so much sudden rain that houses were flooded and roads were broken. Some clifftop gardens were partly lost to the sea. Luckily no damage here apart from plants being battered. The garden needed it and the hibiscus was all bud the day before and after the rain the flowers had opened. It is amazing even though it has dropped almost to the path and I am squeezing past it at the moment. I appreciate how lucky we are.

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