The first egg of the year

I had a booking for a lunch delivery today. I know, it’s a Saturday, a bit of a pain but it can’t be helped sometimes. I got back at twelve o’clock and my husband told me that Freckles was in the nest box.

I grabbed my camera and went to have a look. Perfect timing. I could see that she was just about to lay her egg. She was stood up with a look of concentration on her face and a slight whistling sound coming from her beak. All very familiar and I closed the nest box to give her some privacy.

A few seconds later she came out of the nest box and when I lifted the lid there was her egg. Well done Freckles!

Freckles is just about to lay her egg

Well done Freckles!

Freckles first egg of the year next to a, medium sized, shop bought egg

This is a week earlier than she started laying last year but last year she had only just matured. This is a good sign that all is properly well with her. I was so pleased by this.

I just wish I could feel happier about Dandelion. The tip of her comb is very pale and I am certain that the really cold spell that is forecast will not be good for her.

I intend to ring the vets on Monday and order some more tylan so that I have plenty in stock. I will start to treat with it again if Dandelion gets eye bubbles once more and I will perhaps continue to treat throughout the cold spell. If I can just get her through this cold spell then maybe the weather will improve and she will get back to normal again.

I have to stay positive though because for Freckles, laying an egg, means that she is back to full health again. It will be so nice to have our own little eggs again.

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8 Responses to The first egg of the year

  1. Jenn says:

    Could you bring Dandelion indoors just through this cold spell? Bernadette has been very poorly and on injected antibiotics. She’s much better now but I’m still keeping her indoors at night until she’s put on enough weight that I’m happy she’ll keep warm. And I’ve just bought a heat pad the put in the house overnight because it’s forecast to be -4 for several nights this week and freezing or below for most days too.

    • I have considered it but I have no room for any kind of life for a chicken indoors. I have had girls in a cat box in the bathroom when very ill but Dandelion having eye bubbles is not enough of a reason to have her cooped up in a small space indoors. A few nights is okay but not a few weeks. All things considered I think it’s best to carry on as we are. She has come through so far and I think the best thing is to wait and see how she goes and if she gets eye bubbles I will give tylan again for protection. Apart from the eye bubbles when it’s frosty she seems fine. I am rather anticipating this happening again and maybe it’s best to wait and see but I try to be ready in case.

  2. marion.pharo says:

    Good to hear you have had your 1st egg, Hope this cold snap soon goes, and the girls come through ok, They say its the coldest winter in 5 years. Roll on spring.

    • I also read that it is the coldest winter in five years. Unfortunately this cold spell is forecast for two weeks. The lowest night time temperatures are for a few days though. I can’t wait for spring.

  3. Kevin says:

    Well done Freckles!

    I have a feeling the better weather is just around the corner, just need to get this forecast cold spell out of the way.

  4. David says:

    Great news, not just the egg, but what it implies. You know your girls.

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