Sugar lays an egg

It’s two weeks since Sugar came out of her broody spell so I knew that she was getting ready to lay again. Sugar had been sitting with a very humped back. She looked uncomfortable and I thought that she had an egg on the way.

Early this afternoon Sugar went into her favourite nest box. I kept checking on her and she was in for about an hour. She managed to get her egg laid. It was slightly smaller than Storm’s eggs but much bigger than her recent three tiny eggs. It had a crack and a hole in it. After taking photos I cracked it into a dish. It had a good sized yolk but the shell was paper thin.

Sugar’s egg with a crack and a hole in it
Sugar’s egg next to Dot’s egg for size comparison
Sugar’s egg inside and the shell is paper thin

It is so lucky that Sugar managed to get this egg laid without it breaking completely. I guess it is more normal than the three tiny eggs but Sugar has always laid with good egg shells before. I don’t know why this is happening and still think things are not quite right with Sugar.

Sugar seemed better once she had laid but later in the afternoon was back to sitting again. Only time will tell how she goes on but for now I am just glad that got her egg laid.

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6 Responses to Sugar lays an egg

  1. DAVID says:

    It’s not right, but it does seem like a definite improvement. Fingers crossed that the next one will have a firmer shell.

    • Carol says:

      It is an improvement. Sugar used to go to the grit and oyster shell regularly but with her sitting all the time I haven’t seen her go to it at all. I feel the egg laying problem and the sitting all the time have to be connected. I just have to hope she continues to improve.

  2. Sophie says:

    Very strange! Xx

    • Carol says:

      It is odd. It’s as if something has changed for Sugar. She is normal in every other way apart from sitting on the ground a lot and the odd egg laying. xx

  3. marion.pharo says:

    Let us hope the next one will be perfect.

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