Peaches and Barley are growing up

Peaches and Barley have been with us for five weeks although it’s hard to imagine them ever not being part of my flock now. They are now eleven weeks old and going through what I think of as the teenage stage. Their comb and wattles have grown, they have long legs and they are catching up in size with the grown up girls.

They are not easy to get close up photos of so I decided to take some at bedtime. The bedtime line up has changed slightly. A few nights ago Sparkle decided to perch on the big perch instead of sitting on the top of the cabinet. The next night Topaz joined her on the big perch and for the last three nights they have settled there.

This makes it easier for Peaches and Barley as they can take their time moving from the cabinet to the perch without Sparkle chasing them off.

Peaches and Barley go to the cabinet at bedtime

Peaches and Barley go to the cabinet at bedtime

A very scruffy Emerald is in her usual bedtime position

A very scruffy Emerald is in her usual bedtime position

Emerald has been moulting heavily and is looking very scruffy. When she stretches her neck she has loads of quills coming through.

The new bedtime line up

The new bedtime line up

Peaches and Barley are getting ready to join Toffee on the perch

Peaches and Barley are getting ready to join Toffee on the perch

I love the way Toffee looks down at them. Toffee is also moulting but doesn’t look so tattered despite losing her tail. She also shows a neck full of quills when she stretches.

Even the chicks are losing feathers getting ready for their adult feathers to replace the baby ones.

They are on the bedtime perch

They are on the bedtime perch

They settle down onto the perch

They settle down onto the perch

Their combs have grown and they had no wattles at all when we first had them but now they are quite big.

They settle next to Toffee as she never bothers them

They settle next to Toffee as she never bothers them

Bedtime can be a bit like a chess game for the chicks. They have to position themselves next to Toffee as she never takes any notice of them. Sparkle, Honey and Amber all chase them away. Topaz also doesn’t bother them but always perches near Sparkle, Honey and Amber who also chase Toffee away. This means it always end up with Toffee, Peaches and Barley together.

I am always pleased when they have chosen their positions as I know they will then settle without any more chasing.

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2 Responses to Peaches and Barley are growing up

  1. Amy says:

    Well, at least yours are roosting. My babies are 16 weeks old and tip the scales at 4lbs each. But every night, they sleep in a big pile on the floor of the coop. I’ve tried putting them up on the roost but I can tell by their droppings that they step right off after I leave.

    I’ve asked around and people say to leave them alone. That they will start to roost when they begin to lay. Which I’m guessing is in the next month or so.

    And your girls are adorable. Love the name Toffee. Might have to poach that one. 😉

    • Carol says:

      It seems that bantams like to get as high as they can so they are happiest roosting.

      Poach away, I take it as a compliment. I tried to keep all my names descriptive of the girl’s colours. I had to think a bit for some of them but am happy with the names now and of course I too think they are adorable.

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