Updates and continuing to mix the girls

Mango and Cloud gave up being broody after three days. Storm came back into lay after a two week break and has laid five eggs in the last week. At the same time as Storm started laying Sugar went broody after laying six eggs.

We constantly seem to have one girl start as one stops so that we have only three girls laying most of the time. At the moment it’s Dot, Gold and Storm laying. I decided to break Sugar out of it straight away as I didn’t want her sitting in a nest box for a very long time. I gave her a couple of nights in the broody crate and she gave up.

I have been trying to continue giving all the girls time together but some days it has been too wet to spend time in the run. After the main flock taking no notice of the new girls things changed when Sugar went broody. She is always angry with the other girls when she is broody. Hormones! It has caused her to have a few spats with Snow.

At this point I usually put the girls back on their own sides. I am hoping that with time Sugar will calm down again. Snow responds by fighting back with Sugar, which is horrible to see, whereas Red is much more timid and runs away if any of the girls approach her.

Three days ago

Gold Mango and Cloud take no notice of the new girls
Storm and the new girls take no notice of each other


The new girls watch the other girls in “their space”
This is usually as close as the new girls get to the chickens’ patio
Then they turn back
Red appears to be looking for a way back in to “their” space
For the first time red made it to the edge of the chickens’ patio

Up until now it has been as if there was an invisible barrier in front of the chickens’ patio. Today this was at the point that Sugar and Snow had a spat. In the background you can just see Snow moving away from Sugar. This caused Red to run in the other direction and finally jump up to the patio area. She didn’t get any further because Mango and Cloud were there. I had sprinkled a few sunflower hearts to try to encourage the new girls to go there but Mango and Cloud found them first.

It is slow progress but there is no rush as I want the girls to stay on growers pellets for as long possible before getting to the age when laying is imminent. As Snow is a month older than Red I plan to wait until Snow is ready to start laying/ has started laying before letting them have layers pellets.

I will continue to give them some time mixing until this point but sometimes it doesn’t all come together until they are together full time and going in the chicken shed together at bedtime. It always works out in the end so I am happy to take it slowly.

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Broody girls

It always seems that just as one girl comes back into lay another goes broody. Today Gold has come back into lay after a two week break.

At the same time both Mango and Cloud have gone broody together again. These two are just too in tune with each other. Cloud had laid fourteen eggs and Mango had laid nine eggs. It doesn’t seem to matter how many eggs they have laid as it seems that as soon as Cloud goes broody it triggers Mango to go broody too. It’s a bit of nuisance because when they are broody together they are harder to break out of it.

Storm hasn’t laid for ten days. I don’t know why she has just stopped although I did think she was going broody for about half a day and then she seemed to give up so maybe that was enough.

When Sugar started laying she laid five eggs then took a break of eleven days. She then started laying again and has now laid four eggs. She is laying every other day and her eggs have good shells. Sugar laid soft shelled eggs last year. I feel as if she has sorted this problem out for herself. Since before she started laying this year Sugar was going to the grit and oyster shell.

Sugar has been constantly going to the grit and oyster shell since then. She is always flicking the oyster shell out and picking through it. It is as if she knows that was what she needed. Her egg shells now even have little calcium bubbles on them. Because she is laying good shells she no longer has any problem laying her eggs.

But Sugar is still the same in that she is sitting in the run a lot with her wings slightly held away from her body and the humped shape before her tail. It’s as if she has worked out what she needed to lay good shelled eggs but the underlying problem with her is still there.

When Sugar is up and about she looks perfectly normal and she has been digging holes in the run with the rest of the girls. But she still sits for ninety percent of the time and still has the strange posture. I thought at first when she started laying her posture was worse but I don’t now think it was. I think I just noticed it more. Her posture has remained like that when she is sitting.

Whatever is adrift with Sugar she is managing to live with it so we will just accept that this is Sugar and see how she goes on.

Mango and Cloud are broody together again
I lift them out and put them in the run
I move them on and they both fluff up their feathers

We hardly ever have more than three girls laying at the same time. It will be good when we have the new girls laying to add to the numbers laying at any one time. They are keeping us going with eggs though so we are not complaining.


Three days later Storm is back in lay after a two week break and Sugar has gone broody after laying six eggs.

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The new girls have some time with the main flock

Yesterday I decided to mix the girls for a while. Most of the main flock took no notice of the new girls. It’s always the bottom girls that are the ones to watch as they want to insure the new girls are at the bottom so that they can move up the pecking order.

Top girl Sugar doesn’t find them a threat and accepted them alongside of her. Autumn has been the only one taking notice of them through the wire but yesterday she was so busy digging in the new girls half of the run that she didn’t notice them. Dot chased Red when she got near her. But it all went smoothly and I think it’s going to be easy to integrate them when the time comes.

The main issue will be the new girls being confident enough to get to the food dishes but as usual I will put extra feeding stations in the run for a while. It’s going to be a while before Red is old enough to have layers pellets but the more I mix them now the easier the eventual transition should be.

Gold takes no notice of the new girls
Storm doesn’t either
Sugar and Snow peck the soil along side of each other
Sugar and Gold ignore the new girls

I am very happy with how their first time together went. I will keep giving them some time together every few days to let them get used to each other.

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Mango and Cloud are so in tune with each other

I have never had two girls more bonded and in tune with each other as Mango and Cloud. They went broody together and they often lay their eggs together. Today they did this again.

Mango and Cloud in the nest box together
They look so cute together
They are such a close pair

When I checked back on them their eggs were side by side in the nest box. They are inseperable.

In other news Gold has come out of her broody spell. Sugar laid yesterday after an eleven day break. The egg was a good shelled egg and her usual small size but not tiny like her last one.

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I have probably put similar photos of our roses here every year. May is the month when our rose arches up the garden path look beautiful. I can’t resist showing them again.

The rose over the arches is beautiful
The middle arch has a different rose
The rose looking up the garden

It is so beautiful but doesn’t last long especially with the rain causing the petals to drop. But for a short while it is spectacular.

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I switch both sets of girls to the other side of the run

Before I start giving all the girls time together I always switch both lots to the other side first. I like to let the new girls get used to the other side of the run before I start any mixing. I took away the new girls food and water so that it didn’t get dirt scratched into it. I closed their little coop so that the main girls don’t scratch out the shavings.

Usually the main flock love to get into the area with the shelter but today they were more interested in the bottom of the run. I think it’s because it’s been wet and the soil was easy to scratch and dig.

The new girls make their way to the bottom of the run
They look as if they want to get back in to their side
I try to heard them towards the patio area

Red looks back at me as if to ask what I am doing.

Most of the main flock enjoyed digging on the other side
Mango and Cloud join them
Dot stayed up the top end
The new girls headed up the run again
I put out some apple to try to entice them to the patio area
Again they looked as if they wanted to get back to their side
I moved the apple nearer and they both had a peck

By now they had had half an hour so I decided that was enough for the day. The new girls clearly wanted to get back to their side.

It is always the hardest bit getting new girls to the patio area as it is different to the rest of the run. They need to find the patio area though as that’s where the food, water and treats are plus the nest boxes and chicken shed.

I thought it went well for a first time though. I would rather get the new girls used to rest of the run gradually and then start mixing them gradually too, just a little at a time.

There is no rush as the new girls need to stay on growers for a while yet.

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A tomato treat and updates

I thought a tomato treat would be a good chance to photograph the girls. The new girls have now cottoned on to all the treats. They love spinach, sunflower hearts and tomato.

A wheel of chickens
I spread the tomato a bit
The tomato soon disappears

I took the photos of the new girls through the wire because they would move away if I went in plus holding a camera while opening their gate and trying to keep the main flock out is a tricky business.

The new girls spot the tomato
They have some tomato, Red has a bit in her beak
They like tomato too and it is soon gone

The new girls are now used to their bigger space and have settled in well. They are dust bathing, sitting in the sun and eating and drinking well plus they love the treats.

Sugar hasn’t laid since the tiny egg in my last post five days ago. I am quite pleased she is taking a break because she usually lays six or seven eggs then goes broody. I am hopeful that she may continue not to lay but we will have to wait and see.

It has been good not having Sugar broody. I had been undecided what to do if she went broody because left alone she has in the past sat for up to a month before I broke her out of it. This was why I didn’t like to leave her broody. It takes three weeks to hatch chicks and I think Sugar would continue to sit for as long as I let her.

I feel that sitting in a nest box all the time is worse than sitting in the run. I had decided that I might leave her to sit for two weeks and then try to break her out of it. So now she has stopped laying before going broody I don’t need to do anything. I hope the tiny egg was her last one.

Cloud came back into lay again ten days ago after a two week break after going broody. Mango came back into lay again four days ago after a three week break after going broody.

I think Gold is going broody again because she is spending a lot of time in the nest box but she is still laying at the moment. She has laid fourteen eggs since her last break.

We are still getting plenty of eggs from Dot, the three game girls and at the moment Gold although maybe not for much longer.

Next year we should potentially have three more egg layers those being Autumn, Red and Snow. You never quite know though. Autumn laid in October, November, December and January then laid her last egg on the first of February and hasn’t laid since.

The weird thing is that Autumn still goes and sits in the chicken shed or a nest box every day but doesn’t lay. We haven’t come across this before although we did have Topaz (bantam gold laced wyandotte) who only ever laid an ocasional egg despite the fact that wyandottes are supposed to be good layers. I did mention to Suzanna at pipinchick that Autumn had stopped laying and she was surprised.

We always seem to get girls that are a law unto themselves so we will just have to wait and see how Red lays and if Autumn starts laying next spring. Either way we have enough girls to give us plenty of eggs.

Before putting this post out I decided to check on Gold to see if she has laid an egg today. She hasn’t as yet but cloud was in the nest box with her. I thought they looked so cute together that I decided to add a photo of them.

Gold and Cloud in the nest box together

I love seeing the different sized girls sharing a nest box. At the end of the day Gold hadn’t laid so I think she is definitely broody.

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The conundrum that is Sugar

Sugar has now laid four good eggs, laying every other day. Her eggs are very small, smaller than the game girls’ eggs. We still absolutely know that she is not right though and she seems worse for laying again.

Sugar has a lovely red comb. Twenty percent of the time she appears perfectly normal. She runs to the treats, she dust baths, she stretches out in the sun and she preens.

But the other eighty percent of the time she sits in the run which is not normal for a chicken. Before she lays her posture is like this.

Sugar sits with her wings held out
She has a humped back shape
After laying her last egg she was sitting with her head under her wing

Next time I checked on her she was up and about again.

The twenty percent of the time that she looks normal I think we must just and wait and see how she goes on. The eighty percent of the time that she sits, even when her posture isn’t as bad as at the moment, I worry about her quality of life.

We just have no clue what to do about her and keep coming back to feeling we must just wait and see.


About an hour after I had put this post out Sugar got her fifth egg laid the day after her fourth egg. It is super tiny like some of her eggs at the beginning of last year.

Sugar’s three most recent eggs with today’s egg on the left
Today’s egg is tiny
Next to a pound coin for size comparison
It appears to have a yolk but it’s the same colour as the white

This is just adding to the mystery of Sugar. There is definitely something adrift with her. We have never come across this before.

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The new girls get a bigger space

The new girls have now been with us for five and a half days. Their space is quite small so I decided to separate off the rest of their half of the run and give them more space.

I did this in the morning and once I had opened the hatch I left them to it and waited to see if they would explore. By lunch time they still hadn’t stepped over the threshold.

After lunch I decided to encourage the new girls to go out into the new space. I wafted them through the hatch with my hands. I took a couple of photos through the hatch then went through the gate to take a couple more.

I guide the new girls through the hatch
They move further down the run
This is as far as they get
I know they want to return to their space

At this point I went back through the gate and the new girls went straight back to their space. For the rest of the day they stayed in their space.

I have decided to leave them too it and wait until they get braver and venture out by themselves. They obviously feel safe and comfortable in their smaller space for now.


The next morning when I let the new girls out they went straight out into their new space. They have been spending half their time out there ever since and are often next to the rest of the flock on the other side of the wire.

They have also started drinking from the water dish so I have now removed the water bottle. They seem to be coming on really well.

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Sugar lays an egg and the new girls find the water bottle

Over the last few days Sugar has been going to the grit and oyster shell. We wondered if she was getting ready to lay again. I felt a bit of trepidation about the possibility of her laying again in case it would be her downfall.

Sugar had struggled with laying last summer. She usually starts laying in February so is quite late to start this year making me think that she might not lay at all.

After going in and out of the nest box Sugar eventually settled down in the nest box. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best.

Sugar in the nest box

Later while I was in the garden I heard Sugar’s egg shout. I went and checked and there was her egg and it was perfect. Sugar was out in the run scratching and digging and looking fine. Sugar had also not looked poorly before laying either. The only indication she was coming back in to lay was that she was going to the grit and oyster shell.

Sugar’s perfect egg

Sugar’s egg is her normal size and has a good shell. I am so pleased. It seems like Sugar is fixed apart from the fact that she still sits an awful lot.

Yesterday I put a water bottle up for the new girls as I was still worried about not seeing them go to the water dish. I thought another water source couldn’t do any harm and may encourage them to drink.

As soon as I put the water bottle up the main flock girls started pecking at it from their side. Mango and Cloud were pecking at it the most. This caused it to drip on the new girls’ side and eventually seemed to show them what to do.

Before long Snow had got the hang of the water bottle. Red is a bit slower at everything and put her beak over the spout instead of under it but now she knows where the water is I think she will soon get the hang of it.

The main flock show the new girls how the water bottle works
Snow gets the hang of it
Red puts her beak over the spout instead of under it

I am feeling happier now that the new girls know where there is water. I will continue giving them mash each day until I see them drinking from the water dish as the mash gives them a bit more water.

Last night when the main flock had gone to bed the new girls had settled in the corner between the the little coop and the chickens’ patio. Snow was nearest the little coop. This meant that it was easy to scoop her up and put her in without any fuss. I then put Red in.

I hope they continue to settle here at bedtime because it makes it really easy to put them in. I think they are also getting used to me going in to their part of the run. It seems to be going really well.

Next day

Cloud has just laid after just over two week’s break. We now have five girls laying, Dot, Gold, Storm, Sugar and Cloud.

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