Experiment to hand pollinate the apple tree

I tried to hand pollinate the apple tree, in the chicken run, by using a paint brush but this experiment has failed. I had nothing to lose by giving it a try but I now know that it is a waste of time so won’t need to do this again.

The pear tree in the garden has lots of tiny pears

The pear tree in the garden has lots of tiny pears

The apple tree in the chicken run has no apples

The apple tree in the chicken run has no apples

Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Slight change of subject but I couldn’t resist this new plant for the garden.

New primular

New primula

Tying in with this post it is called Japanese primula – apple blossom. I liked it’s unusual height.

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4 Responses to Experiment to hand pollinate the apple tree

  1. Jackie says:

    I thought it might work. Still no better excuse to be down with the chickens .
    Like the new primula.

  2. I think it didn’t work because it needed to be cross pollinated with another tree. Worth a try though.

  3. Jackie says:

    To late now but next door to me have a great apple tree. I wonder if next year I pick some blossom and introduce it to it. I wonder if that works with out having an actual other tree ?

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