A pear tree branch for the girls

A few days ago we took a branch off of our pear tree because it had grown out at a strange angle and was looking unattractive. When we had the apple tree in the run the girls used to like to get up into the tree and eat the leaves so I thought that they might like the leaves of the pear tree.

I thought that the branch might provide them with some entertainment.

All the girls go to investigate the branch

All the girls investigate the branch

They try the leaves

They try the leaves

Speckles disappears

Speckles disappears

She has taken a leaf away

She has taken a leaf away

Speckles took her leaf to a quiet corner where she could tackle it in peace. While I was taking photos she jumped on to my back then up to my shoulder. I decided to blindly take a selfie. I held up the camera and clicked with no idea what I was going to get.

I was too high and missed myself but just got this shot of Speckles.

Speckles is on my ahoulder

Speckles is on my shoulder

After the initial interest in the pear tree branch the girls soon lost interest in it completely. I think that the leaves may have been too tough for them. The next day the branch was completely ignored so I decided to remove it as it was just taking up space.

Oh well, you never know what they will like but even a short spell of entertainment is worthwhile. I am always looking for things to entertain the girls and that in turn entertains me too.

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2 Responses to A pear tree branch for the girls

  1. marion.pharo says:

    I think your girls always have lots to keep them interested, Happy girls.

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