Category Archives: Chickens

Updates and continuing to mix the girls

Mango and Cloud gave up being broody after three days. Storm came back into lay after a two week break and has laid five eggs in the last week. At the same time as Storm started laying Sugar went broody … Continue reading

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Broody girls

It always seems that just as one girl comes back into lay another goes broody. Today Gold has come back into lay after a two week break. At the same time both Mango and Cloud have gone broody together again. … Continue reading

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The new girls have some time with the main flock

Yesterday I decided to mix the girls for a while. Most of the main flock took no notice of the new girls. It’s always the bottom girls that are the ones to watch as they want to insure the new … Continue reading

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Mango and Cloud are so in tune with each other

I have never had two girls more bonded and in tune with each other as Mango and Cloud. They went broody together and they often lay their eggs together. Today they did this again. When I checked back on them … Continue reading

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I have probably put similar photos of our roses here every year. May is the month when our rose arches up the garden path look beautiful. I can’t resist showing them again. It is so beautiful but doesn’t last long … Continue reading

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I switch both sets of girls to the other side of the run

Before I start giving all the girls time together I always switch both lots to the other side first. I like to let the new girls get used to the other side of the run before I start any mixing. … Continue reading

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A tomato treat and updates

I thought a tomato treat would be a good chance to photograph the girls. The new girls have now cottoned on to all the treats. They love spinach, sunflower hearts and tomato. I took the photos of the new girls … Continue reading

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The conundrum that is Sugar

Sugar has now laid four good eggs, laying every other day. Her eggs are very small, smaller than the game girls’ eggs. We still absolutely know that she is not right though and she seems worse for laying again. Sugar … Continue reading

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The new girls get a bigger space

The new girls have now been with us for five and a half days. Their space is quite small so I decided to separate off the rest of their half of the run and give them more space. I did … Continue reading

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Sugar lays an egg and the new girls find the water bottle

Over the last few days Sugar has been going to the grit and oyster shell. We wondered if she was getting ready to lay again. I felt a bit of trepidation about the possibility of her laying again in case … Continue reading

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