Sparkle is joining in

Since Sparkle hasn’t been a hundred percent she hasn’t been joining in flock activities such as dust bathing. I think that when I see her dust bath again I will know she is really feeling better. At the moment she does follow the sun and will sit in a patch of sun while the other girls are dust bathing.

For the last two mornings I have put her in the cat box with her medicine on some fish and she has taken it like this which is much better than putting it her beak and there are only two more days of medicine to go, hurrah! It has become harder to pick her up which is sign of her returning to normal and I am looking forward to the end of her medicine so that I don’t have to annoy her by picking her up.

Today we had another near dead plant to remove from the garden. It was a hebe, which although usually hardy, had been completely knocked back by the winter frosts and as we had another plant that was being crowded we decided to take the hebe out and replace it with the other plant.

As usual the dead plant went into the run for the girls. Sparkle was straight to it and was soon on top of it pecking away at the soil. She also pecked away the lower ranking girls if they got in her way.

Sparkle went straight to the dead plant

Sparkle went straight to the dead plant

All the girls join in

All the girls join in

They all joined in except Toffee who was laying her egg. It was good to see Sparkle taking part and looking more like her usual self. I really do think she is almost back to normal. I am feeling much more positive about her now.

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2 Responses to Sparkle is joining in

  1. David says:

    Just what you would want – really reassuring. 🙂

    • Oh, I am so up and down with Sparkle at the moment. I did as you say feel reassured yesterday that she was joining in but today she has spent the whole day on one of the branch perches with her head under her wing. She joined in with this mornings corn and took her medicine in the cat box from the fish but refused any thing else to eat. I tried dropping chopped grape in front of her but she was too slow to get any before the other girls. I left mash out all day but she didn’t look at it and was perched up before the bedtime sunflower hearts. I lifted her down to have a few sunflower hearts. I am up one day and down the next. Tomorrow is the last day of her medicine and then I feel she is on her own. She needs to eat more than she is doing now, but how can I get her to eat more. Only time will tell now, I just wish I could see her eat more. I am still not sure which way this is going to go, but I am not giving up yet, but really want to see her eat properly.

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