The new girls get a bigger space

I didn’t end up putting the girls together before bedtime last night. I chickened out, excuse the pun! I decided to stick with my usual plan and go slowly with the integration. I thought I would give the new girls all of their half of the run to get them used to a bigger space.

When they have got used to this I will switch them to the other side of the run to get used to that, find their way around and discover the feeding station, nest box, and chicken shed.  I want them to grow in confidence before I do any mixing. Apricot has already become more confident and is no longer spending her time in the little coop.

Cinnamon was having a dust bath this afternoon which was really good to see and there was poop on the little coop roof so the girls have found that they can get up there. I suspect that was Cinnamon too as she has been looking like she wanted to jump up there and straight feathered girls are best at getting to higher spots.

I  have also decided that when I start mixing them I will put Rusty and Freckles in with them at first. This will mean that they will be starting with girls their own size, it worked with Pebbles, Rusty and Freckles. If I can get these five used to each other it will then mean that the new girls will only have four instead of six to contend with when they are eventually all mixed.

For the first time in ages there was some sun in the garden and as well as prompting dust bathing it meant the crocus was finally starting to open.

The crocus are opening at last

The crocus are opening at last

Some of the miniature daffs are almost open

Some of the miniature daffodils are almost open

I closed the gate and the wire at the far end of the run so that the new girls half is separated from the other half. I then opened the hatch and ushered the girls through it.

cinnamon and Dandelion explore

Cinnamon and Dandelion explore

They stick closer together in the strange new space

They stick closer together in the strange new space

Apricot joins Cinnamon

Apricot joins Cinnamon just outside the hatch

Three new girls in a corner

Three new girls in a corner

Apricot is the least brave and didn’t want to wander far. I picked her up and put her on the perch at the end of the run.

I put Apricot on a perch

I put Apricot on a perch

She turns around and jumps down

She turned around and jumped down

I did this because I want them to know where the perches are if they need to escape the attentions of the other girls. They are not used to perching yet though and Apricot was very wobbly and made her way down as fast as she could.

She must wonder why I am always doing things like this to her but it’s simply because she is so easy to pick up unlike the other two.

I had closed the hatch to encourage them to explore but they were soon, all three, looking through the hatch trying to get back to their familiar area. I relented and opened the hatch. I don’t think they will explore without encouragement. It is going to be baby steps. They have been used to being kept in a small space and are older than Rusty and Freckles were, when I got them, so I think it will take longer for them to become more adventurous.

It did make me realise that they think of their small area as home now. They were all three quick to get back to their familiar space.

I will close the hatch before bedtime to make it easier to get them in for the night but will leave it open the rest of the time so that as they become braver they may start spending time in the bigger area.

It also means I can now separate all three areas which will be handy for switching the groups to the different sides. I can contain the original flock in the bottom third while I let the new girls in to the other side, then open the hatch and the two groups will then be on opposite sides. I will reverse this procedure to return the new girls to their part at the end of the day.

Sometimes this whole procedure has only taken a week but I think with these girls it will take at least a couple of weeks or maybe longer. It doesn’t matter how long it takes though so I am going to take my time.

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6 Responses to The new girls get a bigger space

  1. Marion Pharo says:

    The other girls don’t seem to be taking much notice of them.
    And the little girls look happy.It will be good to see them all together.

    • They have their moments. Each of the other girls have at times walked up and down the wire and tried to peck them through the wire. It makes me nervous because the new girls are so tiny. The new girls do it too though, with tiny ruffs raised. I will look forward to a time when they are all together in harmony.

  2. Flock Mistress says:

    Yes, go slow with integration. Chickens can be such bullies.

    • You are right. I love chickens so much and then I have moments of wondering how they can be so mean! It’s just their instinct though and they can’t help it. I have plenty of time so it’s best to go slow.

  3. David Anderson says:

    I’m sure it will all work out. They are very diminutive – really shows in the photo with Speckles and Peaches/Barley on the other side of the wire. (Sorry – couldn;t remember which comb flopped which way!)

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