Peaches lays her first egg of the year

It’s all been happening on the egg front over the last few days. Yesterday Speckles laid her second egg of the year, five days after the first. Once again she made a meal of it, going in and out of the nest box all morning and finally settling with a little pile of pine shavings on her back.

She came out shouting and I went to inspect and found it broken with Emerald attempting to eat it. The shell was good and hard but the dented break looked as if it had been trampled on. All the bigger girls were trying to get at it and I had to close the nest box and remove all trace before opening up again. We have been getting few enough eggs without breakages.

This morning I went out at quarter past seven as this is when the automatic door is now opening. Under Freckles perch was a broken little egg. This one had a partly soft shell. Freckles only laid her first egg two days ago so this was quicker than I would have expected.

It was definitely hers though as she did the thing they often do when this happens. She didn’t realised she had laid it and spent the morning shouting and going in the nest box. It must have fallen from her while she was on the perch and the fall, plus the thinness of the shell, caused it to break. Now adding to our lack of eggs we have two broken in two days.

I spent some time in the run as I had no lunch deliveries and I was putting up some tarpaulin under the roof panels in the new girls part of the run, by the hatch, to try to keep it drier. The panels at this end drip and I am hoping that this will keep it dry so we that we can take our time with integrating the new girls.

All the time that I was working Freckles and Peaches were shouting their heads off. It seemed that they both wanted to sit in the nest box at the same time. I wished that I could explain to Freckles that she had already laid her egg and didn’t need to be doing this.

Eventually they decided to share the nest box and it all calmed down.

Freckles and Peaches share the nest box

Freckles and Peaches share the nest box

Peaches finally laid her first egg of the year. This is two weeks later than last year. It had her tell tale blob of poop on the end, I don’t know why, but she is the only girl always to do this. It was also really long. Peaches always has laid bigger eggs than Barley but not so many of them.

Peaches egg is in front of Freckles

Peaches egg is in front of Freckles

I picked up the egg and Freckles started shouting as if it was her egg. I have a comparison coming up later which made me smile.

Freckles is shouting

Freckles is shouting

After this Freckles seemed to accept that her job was done and she came out of the nest box and attacked a bit of melon then took herself off for a dust bath.

Freckles and Rusty have a dust bath together

Freckles and Rusty have a dust bath together

They are soon joined by Peaches and Barley

They are soon joined by Peaches and Barley

Peaches first egg of the year

Peaches first egg of the year in the middle

Freckles first egg is on the right, Peaches long egg is in the middle and a medium shop bought egg is on the left. Freckles is a slightly yellow/cream colour compared to Peaches white egg. Peaches egg is impressive in size compared to a standard hens egg.

Egg stand

Egg on the stand for comparison

Pointy end up

Pointy end up

I always store eggs pointy end down but thought I would show them pointy end up to compare the length of Peaches egg. Now you can see why I smiled at the thought that Freckles could imagine that was her egg.

At least I have one out of three eggs to keep. Hopefully eggs will be more abundant soon and the girls will settle into egg laying without quite so much drama.

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6 Responses to Peaches lays her first egg of the year

  1. Jenny says:

    Fantastic picture of Freckles shouting! My Bernadette always leaves a splodge of poo on her eggs.

    • I am so glad I am not the only one. Everything you read says they don’t poop and lay at the same time. Peaches has always done this, it’s how we could always tell it was her egg.

  2. Marion Pharo says:

    Good to hear you have started getting eggs,What is Freckles egg like?I find with our neighbours little bantoms eggs, they have quite large yokes,and are quite rich.
    Bob always go for the bigger eggs, but i like the little ones.

    • I haven’t tried it yet as I am saving it for Sunday breakfast but I will report back. We only have Peaches and Freckles first eggs as two got broken but we may get another one day if we are lucky. What I did notice was that Freckles broken egg was a lovely rich orange colour which doesn’t surprise because me Freckles and Rusty love eating spinach from my fingers.

  3. David Anderson says:

    Brilliant post, Carol – so much going on. Huge egg from Peaches. My Scaley also lays (laid – now at least 4 years old, and might not start again!) eggs with a tell-tale poop. Really frustrating when eggs get broken – had 2 like that the week before last but, fortunately not eaten – just left in a nest box. Enjoy your breakfast tomorrow!

    • Speckles and Peaches have always laid huge eggs but not so many and Barley smaller, round, eggs but more of them. Peaches has always laid hers with a blob of poop. I used to worry that it couldn’t be right but she has always done this and now I hear of others having this too I think it may be more common than I had thought. Luckily I got to the broken egg just as Emerald had found it so nipped, her eating it, in the bud. We could have had a bigger egg and a tiny egg each tomorrow had they not got broken, but never mind, we will enjoy them anyway. I look forward to more abundant eggs that so we can have one of each size each in the future. That will be quite fun.

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