Flock mentality

I love the way my flock does everything together. I had no ideas or photos for a blog post so I went in with my camera and just bobbed down on the chicken’s patio area.

The girls all ran to me to see if I had anything for them. Emerald looked as if she wanted to peck the camera just in case I was tricking her into thinking that I had nothing for them.

They decided that I did indeed have nothing for them. Nothing for it but to go to the water and the food dish instead. Might as well as they were on the patio.

Four girls have a drink

Communal drinking

It switches to three girls at the food dish

Speckles joins them at the food dish

Speckles moves to the water

Three girls at the water

Apricot does her own thing

Chickens are so communal but as I have mentioned before Apricot is a bit of a loner. She also came to the patio area to see me but she doesn’t feel the need to join in with the girls every time. Apricot does things in her own time.

Despite this she is the friendliest of them all. She also briefly went in the nest box this morning. I think Apricot and Dandelion may start laying soon.

I love watching the flock doing everything together. They are such a close flock. I am thinking about adding new girls soon. That may just rock their world a little!

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4 Responses to Flock mentality

  1. marion.pharo says:

    Such a close little flock.

  2. Jenny says:

    Lovely to see all your girls looking healthy 🙂

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