Update on broodies and egg layers

Gold as usual only took a one week break between going broody and starting to lay again. She then laid two days running missed a day and laid again this morning.

Storm gave up being broody after a couple of days. Mango and Cloud being broody together has caused them to take longer to come out of it as they egg each other on, excuse the pun! However a few days later Mango gave up and a few days after that Cloud has almost given up. She stays out in the run all day but sits in the corner of the chicken shed at bedtime. I lift her to the perch and she stays there so I think she is almost through it.

Both Dot and Gold are laying two days out of three so we are getting enough eggs to keep us going.

I always feel a post is a bit flat without photos so when I was ready to give out the end of the day treat of sunflower hearts I took my camera with me. The girls all run to me in expectation. I had to keep stepping backwards and then quickly click but got a good group photo.

Just after this my husband came back from the allotment with a huge spinach plant that had gone to seed. We put it in the run and I took another photo.

The girls run to me
Allotment spinach that has gone to seed

The girls loved this and were pecking away until bedtime. Today they have stripped the spinach and just left the stalk. Happy girls.

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4 Responses to Update on broodies and egg layers

  1. DAVID says:

    They love their treats and, I must say, all look in lovely condition.

    • Carol says:

      Aw, thank you. Cloud has given up being broody now and I think Storm is about to lay again and Gold just laid three days in a row.

  2. marionparo says:

    They certainly look happy attractive girls.

    • Carol says:

      They are a lovely flock. The new girls are coming Friday so that may stir things up a bit. In recent years it’s all gone well though so I feel sure it will this time too.

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