I switch both sets of girls to the other side of the run

Before I start giving all the girls time together I always switch both lots to the other side first. I like to let the new girls get used to the other side of the run before I start any mixing. I took away the new girls food and water so that it didn’t get dirt scratched into it. I closed their little coop so that the main girls don’t scratch out the shavings.

Usually the main flock love to get into the area with the shelter but today they were more interested in the bottom of the run. I think it’s because it’s been wet and the soil was easy to scratch and dig.

The new girls make their way to the bottom of the run
They look as if they want to get back in to their side
I try to heard them towards the patio area

Red looks back at me as if to ask what I am doing.

Most of the main flock enjoyed digging on the other side
Mango and Cloud join them
Dot stayed up the top end
The new girls headed up the run again
I put out some apple to try to entice them to the patio area
Again they looked as if they wanted to get back to their side
I moved the apple nearer and they both had a peck

By now they had had half an hour so I decided that was enough for the day. The new girls clearly wanted to get back to their side.

It is always the hardest bit getting new girls to the patio area as it is different to the rest of the run. They need to find the patio area though as that’s where the food, water and treats are plus the nest boxes and chicken shed.

I thought it went well for a first time though. I would rather get the new girls used to rest of the run gradually and then start mixing them gradually too, just a little at a time.

There is no rush as the new girls need to stay on growers for a while yet.

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4 Responses to I switch both sets of girls to the other side of the run

  1. DAVID says:

    Sounds like a really good idea for integration, Carol. Some lovely photos. Dot’s comb is amazing!

    • Carol says:

      Dot did rather photo bomb me. I took it through the hatch and she ran towards me giving me a close up. She is the only girl with completely dark eyes and she does have an amazing comb. She has also just laid three days in a row.

  2. marionparo says:

    A good idea to get the new girls used to both side. Lovely pictures.

    • Carol says:

      It’s been too wet to have another go but I will continue when we have dry days. The new girls were keen to get back to their own side but they usually get braver as they are there more often.

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