I worm the flock twice a year in March and September. I am a bit late this time. I have been waiting for Sugar to get through her broody spell before starting as she eats very little when broody. She came through it a few days ago and I started worming yesterday.
I use flubenvet mixed in dishes of mash for seven consecutive days. This has always worked well for me and makes it easy for each girl to get a share.

By the end of the day the dishes are always empty. So far I haven’t found any worms but it’s always best to be on the safe side. It’s also a good chance to get a couple of group photos.
Mine always prefer mash to pellets in their raw state – there’s never anything left and a good way to ensure flubenvet is absorbed. The flock is starting to look smart after the worst of the moult.
Mine prefer mash too. They are looking good but Storm is the most tatty. She has lots of pins showing and her legs look ragged. It won’t be long though before she too is back to pristine.
Good news. They all look great
They do look good.