Autumn is having a very tatty moult

Autumn is having the most tatty moult we have seen for many years. She is having the latest moult we have seen for many years too.

I thought Autumn was over the worst of her moult as the feather dropping seemed to have slowed down. Then over the last few days she seems to be going through another wave with feathers all over the chicken shed and run.

A few days ago I took this photo of Red and Autumn as it’s rare to see them perching together. This came about because Autumn was already perched and when Red spotted me she came up for eye contact. This is one of Red’s endearing habits. She always comes to the wire when we are outside and follows me when I am inside.

A size comparison between Red and Autumn
Autumn has loose wing feathers
And loose breast feathers
Feathers all awry
A very tatty Autumn

Autumn’s feet are now looking much better. I am continuing to use the spray that is every three days for three weeks until it runs out which will probably be over the next few uses. In the middle week I used the daily spray for a week. I am hoping that this combination has worked. So far she has left her feet alone. I hope this continues when I finally stop spraying.

It will be good to see Autumn feathered up again. She has lost her fluffy bottom but has plenty of pins so it shouldn’t be long before she is back to her former glory.

Red laid her third egg, this time round, two days ago.

Red in the nest box

Today to my surprise Red was in the nest box again. I checked back a little later and she had laid her egg. This is now four eggs in eight days. Maybe Red has finally hit her stride and will continue to lay without breaks. Well done Red!

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4 Responses to Autumn is having a very tatty moult

  1. DAVID says:

    Autumn is having a rough moult, bless her. It’s good to hear that she is leaving her legs alone at the moment. Pleased that Red continues to lay, even if a wonderful pattern is not yet established. My one light sussex who started has now stopped! However, I seem to have a young marans who’s started – nice little brown egg every other day for about 10 days. Fingers crossed that this one continues!

    • Carol says:

      Although Autumn is having a rough moult she is looking much better in herself for leaving her feet alone and is eating properly now. Red’s pattern is taking a while to get going. She is a slow starter but I hope she will gradually improve. It does seem to be the time of year when they start and stop. Great to have a little brown egg every other day. Any eggs through winter are a welcome bonus.

  2. marionparo says:

    Pleased Autumn is still leaving her legs alone, hope this time it is over. Nice to have Red laying again.

    • Carol says:

      Me too, I am continuing to spray for now to keep her feet good while she moults. I hope when I stop it will be over. It is good to have Red laying.

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