Autumn has pins

Autumn is unfortunate having such a heavy moult so late in the year. But she does have lots of pins and her bottom now has short fluffy feathers.

Autumn has pins on her head
And on her wings

Autumn still looks really shabby but at least she is on the right side of the moult now. The feather dropping has slowed right down. And, thank goodness, she seems to have stopped pecking at her legs and feet.

Red is still laying but very sporadically. She laid nine eggs in a month in November. She has laid two eggs in nine days in December so far. She is currently laying every four days. But every egg is a bonus.

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6 Responses to Autumn has pins

  1. marionparo says:

    A good sign that Autumn is still leaving her legs alone.

  2. DAVID says:

    Always good when the feather loss slows and the new ones begin to appear. She’s in a much better place than she was a month ago. 🙂

    • Carol says:

      She is in so much of a better place. Twice I thought it was fifty fifty that we were going to lose her. She started pecking again within a week after I stopped spraying her each time. This time it has been ten days since I stopped spraying so I am hopeful that she is finally over it. She actually has no scales on her legs now, just on her feet.

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