When the weather is awful as it has been recently the girls spend a lot of their time in the shelter. It’s Sugar’s favourite place during winter and the rest of the girls tend to gather around her. Mango and Cloud’s favourite spot is standing on the shelf in the shelter.
Red joins them occasionally but Red is the busiest girl of the flock and is never still for long. Today the whole flock were together in the shelter including Red but when I returned with my camera Red was out and about again.

Red always has muddy feet because she will venture out into the wet parts of the run. While most of the girls stick to the dry areas Red always covers the entire run. It’s difficult to get a good photo of Red because she is always on the move.
Later today Red was in the nest box giving me a chance to get a better photograph of her.

Storm is the nosiest girl of the flock and she will always check on Red in the nest box.

Red has now been laying every other day like clockwork for the last two weeks. It is lovely to have one reliable egg layer at last. She will keep us going until the start of springtime eggs.
The weather is awful at the moment – most of mine head for shelter, despite tarpaulin over a large section of the run. So pleased that Red has settled into a pattern; as day length extends, she’ll be joined by some of your other girls – Autumn???:)
It’s funny isn’t it! Our run is fully roofed but they still head for the shelter in bad weather. Autumn’s comb is the palest of all the girls so I think she may be the last to start to laying, although only time will tell.
Red is a very attractive girl. They are very sensible girls to stay in the warm.
Red is beautiful. Although the shelter isn’t really warm it does protect them from the wind. I think it makes them feel secure in horrible weather.