
For the last couple of days Snow has been investigating the nest boxes. I think she may be getting ready to start laying. We usually have the first girls come back into lay half way through February and the rest in March. This would be quite early but it’s Snow’s first winter/spring with us so I have no comparison.

Red on the other hand had taken a nine day break from laying. I was just beginning to think that Like Autumn maybe she had stopped laying when she settled in the nest box today. I was pleased that she laid an egg today as this is a good sign that she will continue to lay.

Red in the nest box just before she laid her egg
Snow has been showing an interest in the nest boxes
Snow looks in on Red
Snow in the nest box

Snow sits for a minute and then comes out again. She has done this several times in two nest boxes. I think she is familiarising herself with the nest boxes before she is ready to start laying.

In other news Sugar has looked much perkier since the end of the frosty weather.

Sugar has been perkier

Sugar has been a little more active, on her feet a little more. She has been dust bathing and running to the treats with more enthusiasm. She is such a resilient little girl and constantly surprises us with her ability to bounce back. I think Sugar will be happier when better weather comes along as will most of us.

It will be good if Snow does start laying soon as a few more eggs would be lovely. Storm usually start in February so it shouldn’t be long before we are getting more eggs again.

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6 Responses to Updates

  1. DAVID says:

    Really good news about Sugar – a bit of sunshine can really work wonders with our older girls.

    We’ll see if it works this time.

  2. DAVID says:

    And it did!

  3. marionparo says:

    Good to hear that Sugar has perked up. I am sure she will be much more active when spring comes, as we will all be.

    • Carol says:

      Sugar is more active and running to the greens now where before it was if she couldn’t be bothered. I am sure we will all feel better when spring comes.

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