Scrambled egg

Scrambled egg is the girls very favourite treat of all. It goes so quickly that it’s almost impossible to photograph.

I gave the girls this treat this morning. I put it in four small dishes and the only way that I can insure Speckles gets a little is to put two dishes on the patio for the girls then put two dishes further away on the wooden blocks to allow Speckles a chance at the furthest away dish.

Once again my camera struggles to click fast enough to keep up with them. I only managed these four photographs. I wanted one of Speckles at her dish but it all happened so quickly that I only have her in the background.

A scramble to get to the scambbled egg

A scramble to get to the scrambled egg

The first two dishes are empty so the girls move on to the other two dishes

The first two dishes are empty so the girls move on to the next dish

The two dishes on the patio are emptied in seconds and the girls move on to the third dish on the first wooden block. Speckles is eating from the fourth dish on the second wooden block. You can just see her tail in the background.

Speckles is moved away from the furthest away dish

Speckles is moved away from the furthest away dish

Half the girls now move on to the fourth dish and Speckles moves away.

All four dishes are empty

All four dishes are empty

The scrambled egg is all gone. If I didn’t space them like this Speckles wouldn’t get any at all and although she only had her dish to herself for a few seconds at least she got a few pecks of egg. I think we can safely say that the girls enjoyed this even if only very briefly.

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2 Responses to Scrambled egg

  1. David says:

    Yes – they do love scrambled egg; it’s nice that you do everything possible to make sure the lowest-ranking hen also benefits. Mine have had a treat of corn on the cob today – now stripped bare to the kernel. 🙂

    • They do love corn on the cob. At the moment mine have some small cabbages from Jackie’s allotment. The cabbages are good because it gives them something to keep pecking at for days. The hearts are really tight and gives them something solid to peck into whereas loose green leaves need to be tender such as spinach or they can’t manage them. I always think it’s good for them to have something to peck at to keep them occupied. I must get some corn cobs for them.

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