This morning Sugar’s last two tail feathers were under her roost spot in the chicken shed. Overnight she has lost her tail. Oddly enough Dot’s last remaining tail feather is still hanging on.

Sugar looks quite sweet with her short tail. It will soon grow back to it’s usual length. Apart from Autumn all the girls’ combs have now turned their pale winter colour.
Autumn’s comb is bright red and she has gone from laying every other day to laying two days running some of the time. Autumn is keeping us going with those bonus winter eggs.
It will be good to see the rest of the girls through the moult. It seems to have dragged on this year.
Poor Sugar looks somewhat bedraggled, but it’ll not be long till she’s through it. Salmon’s tail looks good.
Sugar does look a bit raggedy. Salmon moulted earlier so she is now back to just about fully feathered.
Aw poor Sugar! Xx
She seems okay though. She does like the shelf in the shelter, that’s her go to place at the moment. xx
She do look a sad sight, but will soon be her lovely self again.
Her tail is growing already. Now Dot looks the most shabby but she too will soon start to look better.