
Butterscotch is looking good. She is nearly fully feathered at last. She has now been laying over a seventeen day period (twelve eggs) so will probably go broody again soon. I just hope that doesn’t mean she will start moulting again. It would be so good if this time she would keep her feathers. She has been moulting on and off for a year now.

Butterscotch is looking good

Butterscotch is looking good

She is even getting her crest back

She is even getting her crest back

The back of her head is filling in

The back of her head is filling in

Fluffy bottom

Fluffy bottom

I just couldn’t resist adding this photo. Butterscotch has the fluffiest bottom of all our girls.

Butterscotch takes a dust bath

Butterscotch takes a dust bath

It is so good to see her with feathers again and if it were any other girl I would know at this point that the feathers would be there to stay but with Butterscotch I can’t be sure. Last time she was this well feathered she then went broody and moulted them back out again. I do wonder how many times they can grow back in one year.

I have never before come across a girl who in the same year drops her feathers, grows them back in then drops them again and grows them back in once more. Please Butterscotch, can you keep them this time!

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4 Responses to Butterscotch

  1. marion.pharo says:

    She looks so fluffy,having her dust bath.

  2. Jillian says:

    Beyoncé (our buff cochin hen) is pretty proud that she now has 2 tail feathers!

    She was bare naked on her backside when we received her from our neighbor, courtesy of some bullying hens and roosters that were a little too interested. Though she is still picked on a bit by our roo, and Penny the hen, she has fit in nicely.

    Within these past weeks, she sprouted 2 feathers and one has opened up! She looks adorable, and will literally talk to us if we talk to her!

    Oh, and she got this fancy name from my dad, as he saw the actual singer BeyoncĂ© performing in an orangey-yellow outfit that didn’t cover her whole body (like the chickens feathers)

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