Another cold spell

Yesterday it snowed on and off all day and the temperature barely got above freezing. The girls spent most of the day in the shelters. I left the chicken shed door open for most of the day but they weren’t interested preferring the shelters.

Speckles and the little girls spend time in the small shelter

Cinnamon can just be seen behind Speckles

Emerald is in the large shelter

I felt sorry for Emerald on her own in the large shelter. It’s a bit of a squeeze for the bigger girls in the small shelter and Emerald rarely ever uses it.

Speckles has left the small shelter to join Emerald

I was quite pleased to see Speckles join Emerald and keep her company in the large shelter.

Speckles has joined Emerald in the large shelter

Emerald was preening the tiny feathers on her legs and I had to wait for her to finish by which time Speckles had dozed off.

Speckles dozes next to Emerald

I am glad that this cold spell is only forecast to last for a couple of days because I think that the girls are as fed up of this weather as we are.

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2 Responses to Another cold spell

  1. marion.pharo says:

    I think we all are. man and beast. We have a sprinkling of snow this morning, but it is that east wind, so very cold, Thank goodness it is suposed to be better tomorrow. Roll on Spring.

    • The wind has been bitter here too. This morning we have loads of snow. I am going out to the girls early because the water will be frozen but the snow on their patio roof will have made it dark so the automatic door will open later than usual. I am going to take a photograph of the snow and will post it later.

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